
Here are some of the creative projects I have worked on in the last few years. You can scroll to see them all or click a button to skip straight to that category.


I love all sorts of creative media, but photography is my absolute favorite. I picked up my family’s old Canon in high school and never got tired of it. Now a days I run my own business and have tons of experience with travel photography and natural light portrait photography. Out of Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Lightroom, I have the most expertise in lightroom. Check out my photography website to view examples of my work!

Screenshot of my photography website

Adobe Work

Throughout my time in Grady College I took a few different classes that taught me about 3 Adobe softwares: InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Click through to see some of my work in each!


Here’s some examples of videos I’ve made for fun in the last few years.

Below you will find:

  1. Spain Documentary Style Video
  2. Young Life Promo Video
  3. NYC vlog Style Video

Spain Documentary:

Young Life Promo Video

NYC vlog

(Tik Tok/Instagram Reel inspired)