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Interesting Facts About Galicia!

  1. Galicia has a relatively low population of around three million inhabitants spread across four provinces and an area of about 11, 500 square miles. These provinces are: Lugo, Ourense, A Coruna and Pontevedra. In addition to the regional capitol of Galicia, each of these provinces has its own provincial capitol city.
  2. Historically, Galicia was one of the poorer regions in Spain with an economy focused on fishing and agriculture as opposed to manufacturing. Galicia is also sometimes perceived as being under developed and less cosmopolitan than some of Spains southern and central regions.
  3. Galicia has a temperate, four seasoned climate enabling it to grow a wide range of vegetables, some of which would otherwise be unavailable in the Iberian Peninsula. Farming and fishing sit hand in hand as the primary revenue sources for this part of Spain, but tourism is catching up.
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Info from: http://www.galiciaguide.com/Galicia-facts.html